module DS.compositionFromPower where

open import Prelude.Basic
open import Prelude.Equality
open import Prelude.Fam
open import Prelude.Equivalences

open import DS.IR

import DS.Bind as B

  -- assuming there is a power combinator for Dybjer-Setzer IR codes...
  _⟶_ : {D E : Set1} -> (S : Set) -> DS D E -> DS D (S -> E)
  -- ...with the right decoding...
  ⟶-equiv :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
              S  c  Z  (S Fam⟶ ( c  Z))
  -- ...we can define composition of DS codes; see below.

abstract -- it's annoying that these unfold since it makes goals harder to read;
         -- hence we keep them abstract
  ⟶left0 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
              S  c ⟧₀ Z -> (S ->  c ⟧₀ Z)
  ⟶left0 = _Fam⇒_.indmor (_≃_.left ⟶-equiv)

  ⟶left1 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
           (g :  S  c ⟧₀ Z) ->  S  c ⟧₁ Z g   c ⟧₁ Z  ⟶left0 g
  ⟶left1 =  _Fam⇒_.indmor= (_≃_.left ⟶-equiv)

  ⟶right0 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
            (S ->  c ⟧₀ Z) ->  S  c ⟧₀ Z
  ⟶right0 = _Fam⇒_.indmor (_≃_.right ⟶-equiv)

  ⟶right1 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
              (g : S ->  c ⟧₀ Z) ->  c ⟧₁ Z  g   S  c ⟧₁ Z (⟶right0 g)
  ⟶right1 = _Fam⇒_.indmor= (_≃_.right ⟶-equiv)

  ⟶leftright0 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
                (g : S ->  c ⟧₀ Z) -> g  ⟶left0 {c = c} (⟶right0 g)
  ⟶leftright0 g = happly (cong _Fam⇒_.indmor (sym (_≃_.leftright ⟶-equiv))) g

  ⟶rightleft0 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
                (g :  S  c ⟧₀ Z) -> g  ⟶right0 {c = c} (⟶left0 g)
  ⟶rightleft0 g = happly (cong _Fam⇒_.indmor (sym (_≃_.rightleft ⟶-equiv))) g

  ⟶leftright1 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
                (g : S ->  c ⟧₀ Z) ->
                trans (⟶right1 {c = c} g) (⟶left1 (⟶right0 g))
                   cong  z   c ⟧₁ Z  z) (⟶leftright0 g)
  ⟶leftright1 {S = S} {c} {Z} g
     = trans
         (sym (happly (congd _Fam⇒_.indmor= leftright) g))
           (happly (subst-cod leftright) g)
           (trans (subst-path-general leftright) (cong-cong-cong leftright)))
       where leftright = sym (_≃_.leftright ⟶-equiv)

  ⟶rightleft1 :  {D E} -> {S : Set}{c : DS D E} -> {Z : Fam D} ->
                (g :  S  c ⟧₀ Z) ->
                trans (⟶left1 {c = c} g) (⟶right1 (⟶left0 g))
                   cong ( S  c ⟧₁ Z) (⟶rightleft0 g)
  ⟶rightleft1 {S = S} {c} {Z} g
     = trans
         (sym (happly (congd _Fam⇒_.indmor= rightleft) g))
            (happly (subst-cod  rightleft) g)
            (trans (subst-path-general rightleft) (cong-cong-cong rightleft)))
       where rightleft = sym (_≃_.rightleft ⟶-equiv)

_○_ : {C D E : Set1} -> DS D E -> DS C D -> DS C E
ι e  d = ι e
σ A f  d = σ A  a  (f a)  d)
δ A F  d = (A  d) DS->>=  g  (F g)  d)

left0 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
        {Z : Fam C} ->  c  d ⟧₀ Z ->  c ⟧₀ ( d  Z)
left0 (ι e) d _ = _
left0 (σ A f) d (a , x) = a , left0 (f a) d x
left0 (δ A F) d {Z} y
  = let (h , x) = B.left0 (A  d) _ y
    in (⟶left0 h , subst  z   F z ⟧₀ ( d  Z)) (⟶left1 _) (left0 (F _) d x))

left1 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
        {Z : Fam C} -> (x :  c  d ⟧₀ Z) ->
         c  d ⟧₁ Z x   c ⟧₁ ( d  Z) (left0 c d x)
left1 (ι e) d x = refl
left1 (σ A f) d (a , x) = left1 (f a) d x
left1 (δ A F) d {Z} y
  = let (h , x) = B.left0 (A  d) _ y
    in trans
         (B.left1 (A  d) _ y)
           (left1 (F _) d x)
             (trans (congd-sym  z   F z ⟧₁ ( d  Z)) (⟶left1 h))
                    (subst-dom-sym (⟶left1 h)))
             (left0 (F _) d x)))

right0 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
        {Z : Fam C} ->  c ⟧₀ ( d  Z) ->  c  d ⟧₀ Z
right0 (ι e) d _ = _
right0 (σ A f) d (a , x) = a , right0 (f a) d x
right0 (δ A F) d {Z} (h , x)
  = B.right0 (A  d) _
             (⟶right0 h , subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z)
                                 (⟶right1 _) (right0 (F _) d x))

right1 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
         {Z : Fam C} -> (x :  c ⟧₀ ( d  Z)) ->
          c ⟧₁ ( d  Z) x   c  d ⟧₁ Z (right0 c d x)
right1 (ι e) d x = refl
right1 (σ A f) d (a , x) = right1 (f a) d x
right1 (δ A F) d {Z} (h , x)
 = let h' = ⟶right0 {c = d} h
       x' = subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z) (⟶right1 {c = d} _) (right0 (F _) d x)
   in trans
          (right1 (F _) d x)
            (trans (congd-sym  z   F z  d ⟧₁ Z) (⟶right1 {c = d} h))
                   (subst-dom-sym (⟶right1 h)))
            (right0 (F _) d x)))
        (B.right1 (A  d) _ (h' , x'))

leftright0 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
             {Z : Fam C} -> (x :  c ⟧₀ ( d  Z)) ->
             x  left0 c d (right0 c d x)
leftright0 (ι e) d _ = refl
leftright0 (σ A f) d (a , x) = cong (_,_ a) (leftright0 (f a) d x)
leftright0 (δ A F) d {Z} (h , x)
 = let h' = ⟶right0 {c = d} h
       x' = subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z) (⟶right1 {c = d} _) (right0 (F _) d x)
       fst-part = cong ⟶left0 (B.leftrightFst0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) h' x')
       fst-proof = trans (⟶leftright0 h) fst-part
       lemma : (left0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d (right0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d x))
                  subst  z   F z ⟧₀ ( d  Z))
                     (sym (⟶right1 h))
                     (left0 (F ( A  d ⟧₁ Z (⟶right0 h))) d
                       (subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z)
                              (⟶right1 h)
                              (right0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d x)))
       lemma = subst-inverse
                 (⟶right1 h)
                     ((subst  z   F z ⟧₀ ( d  Z)) (⟶right1 h))
                           (left0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d))
                     (sym (subst-sym-cancel' (⟶right1 h))))
                   (happly (trans (sym (subst-domcod-simple (⟶right1 h)))
                                  (congd  z  left0 (F z) d) (⟶right1 h)))
                           (subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z)
                                  (⟶right1 h)
                                  (right0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d x))))
       path-algebra : trans (sym (⟶right1 {c = d} h))
                            (cong  g   d ⟧₁ Z  g)
                                  (trans (⟶leftright0 h) fst-part))
                           trans (⟶left1 (⟶right0 h))
                                  (cong  g   d ⟧₁ Z  (⟶left0 g))
                                           (A  d)
                                            g  F g  d) (⟶right0 h)
                                           (subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z)
                                                  (⟶right1 h)
                                                  (right0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d x))))
       path-algebra = trans
                          (cong (trans (sym (⟶right1 h)))
                                (sym (trans-cong (⟶leftright0 h) fst-part)))
                            (cong  z 
                                       (sym (⟶right1 {c = d} h))
                                       (trans z (cong  g   d ⟧₁ Z  g) fst-part)))
                                  (sym (⟶leftright1 h)))
                            (trans-cancel-adhoc (⟶right1 h)
                                                (⟶left1 (⟶right0 h))
                                                (cong  g   d ⟧₁ Z  g) fst-part))))
                        (cong (trans (⟶left1 (⟶right0 {c = d} h)))
                              (sym (cong-cong
                                           (A  d)
                                            g  F g  d) (⟶right0 h)
                                           (subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z)
                                                  (⟶right1 h)
                                                  (right0 (F ( d ⟧₁ Z  h)) d x))))))
   in Σ-≡ fst-proof
            (cong (subst  g   F ( d ⟧₁ Z  g) ⟧₀ ( d  Z)) fst-proof)
                  (trans (leftright0 (F _) d x) lemma))
              (trans (subst-cong fst-proof)
                     (sym (subst-trans (sym (⟶right1 {c = d} h))
                                       (cong  g   d ⟧₁ Z  g) fst-proof))))
                     (trans (congSubst path-algebra)
                              (⟶left1 (⟶right0 {c = d} h))
                              (cong  g   d ⟧₁ Z  (⟶left0 g))
                                    (B.leftrightFst0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) h' x'))))
                     (sym (subst-cong
                            (B.leftrightFst0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) h' x'))))
                     (B.leftrightFst0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) h' x')
                     (B.leftrightSnd0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) h' x')))
                    z  subst _ (⟶left1 (proj₁ z))
                                   (left0 (F ( A  d ⟧₁ Z (proj₁ z))) d (proj₂ z)))
                   (B.leftright0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) (h' , x'))))))

rightleft0 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
             {Z : Fam C} -> (x :  c  d ⟧₀ Z) ->
             x  right0 c d (left0 c d x)
rightleft0 (ι e) d _ = refl
rightleft0 (σ A f) d (a , x) = cong (_,_ a) (rightleft0 (f a) d x)
rightleft0 (δ A F) d {Z} y
  = let (h , x) = B.left0 (A  d) _ y
    in trans
         (B.rightleft0 (A  d)  g  F g  d) y)
         (cong (B.right0 (A  d)  g  F g  d))
               (Σ-≡ (⟶rightleft0 h)
                      (subst-cong (⟶rightleft0 h))
                        (congSubst (sym (⟶rightleft1 h)))
                          (subst-trans (⟶left1 h) (⟶right1 (⟶left0 h)))
                            (subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z) (⟶right1 (⟶left0 h)))
                              (cong (subst  z   F z  d ⟧₀ Z) (⟶left1 h))
                                      (rightleft0 (F _) d x)
                                      (cong (right0 (F _) d)
                                            (sym (subst-sym-cancel' (⟶left1 h))))))
                              (happly (trans
                                        (sym (subst-domcod-simple (⟶left1 h)))
                                        (congd  z  right0 (F z) d)
                                               (⟶left1 {c = d} h)))
                                      (subst  z   F z ⟧₀ ( d  Z))
                                             (⟶left1 h)
                                             (left0 (F ( A  d ⟧₁ Z h)) d x))))))))))

leftright1 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
             {Z : Fam C} -> (x :  c ⟧₀ ( d  Z)) ->
             trans (right1 c d x) (left1 c d (right0 c d x))
                 cong ( c ⟧₁ ( d  Z)) (leftright0 c d x)
leftright1 (ι e) d x = refl
leftright1 (σ A f) d (a , x) = trans (leftright1 (f a) d x)
                                     (cong-cong (leftright0 (f a) d x))
leftright1 (δ A F) d x = UIP _ _ -- TODO: this is a big goal

rightleft1 : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
             {Z : Fam C} -> (x :  c  d ⟧₀ Z) ->
             trans (left1 c d x) (right1 c d (left0 c d x))
                 cong ( c  d ⟧₁ Z) (rightleft0 c d x)
rightleft1 (ι e) d x = refl
rightleft1 (σ A f) d {Z} (a , x) = trans (rightleft1 (f a) d x)
                                         (cong-cong (rightleft0 (f a) d x))
rightleft1 (δ A F) d x = UIP _ _ -- TODO: this is a big goal

-- Combining it all into an equivalence

○-Equiv : {C D E : Set1} -> (c : DS D E) -> (d : DS C D) ->
          {Z : Fam C} ->  c  d  Z   c  ( d  Z)
○-Equiv c d = record { left = (left0 c d , left1 c d)
                     ; right = (right0 c d , right1 c d)
                     ; leftright = comp-is-id-ext (left0 c d , left1 c d)
                                                  (right0 c d , right1 c d)
                                                  (leftright0 c d)
                                                  (leftright1 c d)
                     ; rightleft = comp-is-id-ext (right0 c d , right1 c d)
                                                  (left0 c d , left1 c d)
                                                  (rightleft0 c d)
                                                  (rightleft1 c d)